
Doctors in training step 2 2014 pdf
Doctors in training step 2 2014 pdf

The internal medicine stage 1 curriculum has a critical decision point at the end of year 2 (IMY2) that determines whether the trainee has the necessary capability to lead the acute take with indirect supervision. Acute Care Assessment Tool (ACAT) 2020 - IMT ACATs may be linked to a maximum of eight curriculum competencies in the ePortfolio. There should be a minimum of five cases for an ACAT assessment. The ACAT looks at clinical assessment and management, decision making, team working, time management, record keeping and handover for the whole time period and multiple patients. The ACAT is designed to be used for supervised learning events (SLEs) on the acute medical take but may be on a ward round or covering a day's management of admissions and ward work.

doctors in training step 2 2014 pdf

Printable versions of some of the forms can be found in this website's document library by using the search function. These assessment tools are available online in the ePortfolio. Please refer to the relevant curriculum for details.

doctors in training step 2 2014 pdf

These methods will be used in different ways by different specialties and not all specialties will use all methods.

doctors in training step 2 2014 pdf

The various workplace based assessment methods are described below.

Doctors in training step 2 2014 pdf